Join us out in Wivenhoe Park practising your circus skills – it’s going to be fun for everyone!
With our fully trained circus skills leaders to show you how, try your hand at juggling, diablos, spinning plates – and many more. We’re excited to be working with the Grand Theatre of Lemmings who have over 10 years’ experience of honing their circus skills to share with us.
Admission free – no need to book, just turn up. And parking is free on Saturdays!
The session is drop in, and we advise you to arrive at 2 pm or 3 pm or 3.45 pm. Often 2pm is our most busy time, so arriving later might well be quieter.
Beginners welcome.
Here’s a map so you can find us! Art-in-the-Park-Mapv1b-1.pdf
Suitable for 7 years old upwards. There are cafes, toilets and baby changing facilities on campus too.
This event has been made possible through the Essex County Council Arts and Cultural Fund, which supports organisations and creative practitioners to deliver an exciting range of activities to engage with and bring communities in Essex together.
Image courtesy of Grand Theatre of Lemmings