Fashion Revolution:
Art and Speakers Tour – Inequality and Human Rights
6:00 – 8:00 pm, in the Hexagon building, University of Essex
University of Essex alumni Carry Somers came up with the idea of Fashion Revolution after the Rana Plaza garment factory collapse in Bangladesh in April 2013. Since then Fashion Revolution has been bringing people together – from farmers to factory workers, brands to buyers, consumers to campaigners – to challenge how fashion is made and by whom.
Tonight’s event highlights pressing issues in the global fashion industry and how we can all become part of the solution. We kick off the evening by screening the documentary film ‘Traceable’. Set against the backdrop of the fast-fashion industry, it explores our connection to the communities impacted by the products we consume. This is followed by a Q&A session with Carry Somers (Fashion Revolution Co-Founder), Sarah Ditty (Head of Policy and Strategy, Fashion Revolution), Owen Espley (Senior Economic Justice Campaigner from War on Want) and chaired by Jess Kenny (Arts & Gallery Director, University of Essex).
This is a fantastic opportunity to find out more about who made your clothes, how we can connect with all parts of the fashion world – and how we can achieve long-term, industry wide change. Within less than two years, Fashion Revolution teams are positioned in 78 countries worldwide engaging thousands and reaching millions of people.
An exhibition exploring sustainability and development in the fashion industry, including compelling new images by photographer Stephanie Sian Smith accompanies this talk.
Refreshments and buffet provided for all to enjoy.
Please join us. Admission Free – Booking Required
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