Pierre Bismuth and David Bennett Talk


Art Exchange

admission free

Art Exchange
6.00 – 7.30pm

Oscar-winning artist Pierre Bismuth (via Skype), Dr David Bennett (Centre for Psychoanalytic Studies) and Dr Matthew Bowman (Dept of Philosophy and Art History) will explore the themes of the Graphology exhibition in relation to psychoanalysis and Pierre Bismuth’s extraordinary films.

Bismuth’s Following the Right Hand of Sigmund Freud belongs to a sequence of films he has produced that appropriate found footage from documentary films and movies. Through this appropriation, Bismuth tracks the hand movements of the main protagonist, perhaps giving the sense of their inner personality, and producing an automatic drawing. 

In this case, the film showing Freud suggests the historical importance of automatism for the psychoanalyst movement. Bringing together an artist and a psychoanalyst, the talk will unpack that importance and their bearing upon Graphology