Reality and Vision: Constable’s Wivenhoe Park
Join Art Exchange director, Jessica Twyman for a talk on Zoom this Thursday at 1-1:30 pm
Zoom ID: 946 7337 9774
Now the home of the University of Essex’s Colchester Campus, Constable’s painting of Wivenhoe Park (1816) has many stories to tell. ‘Wivenhoe Park’ was one of Constable’s last pictures to be painted on an easel out in nature, rather than back in the studio. It’s intimate scale and his relationship of the Rebow family (friends of his father’s) who commissioned the work help create a painting of working estate going about its daily business. The painting went on to pay for his wedding to Maria Bicknell and subsequent move to London where his career as an artist was soon to take off.
Jess Twyman will take you on a virtual walk through the painting.
All welcome.