Harry Pinedo

Place-making, World-making: Three Amazonian Artists Curated by Giuliana Borea Harry Pinedo/Inin Metsa (b. Ucayali, Peru, 1988) Lives and works in Lima. Harry Pinedo is a visual artist and a primary intercultural teacher. He belongs to the Shipibo people from Ucayali in Peru’s central Amazon, migrating to Lima in 1995 where he lives in the Shipibo […]

Brus Rubio

Place-making, World-making: Three Amazonian Artists Curated by Giuliana Borea Brus Rubio (b. Loreto, Peru, 1983) Lives and works in Lima and Paucarquillo. Brus Rubio is a visual artist and the director of Invisible Amazonia art gallery in Lima. He belongs to the Bora and Uitoto peoples from Loreto in Peru’s northern Amazon, and lives and […]

Rember Yahuarcani

Place-making, World-making: Three Amazonian Artists Curated by Giuliana Borea Rember Yahuarcani (b. Loreto, Peru, 1986) Lives and works in Lima and Pebas. Rember Yahuarcani is a visual artist, writer and activist. He belongs to the Uitoto Áimen people, and lives between Pebas – his hometown situated in Peru’s northern Amazon – and Lima, where he […]

Place-making, World-making: Three Amazonian Indigenous Artists

This exhibition features the work of a leading generation of Amazonian indigenous artists working today. Rember Yahuarcani, Brus Rubio and Harry Pinedo/Inin Metsa explore the practices of place-making and the claims of belonging of Amazonian indigenous people. Through their work, they highlight issues of spatial politics and ecological connections, migration, cosmopolitanism and their current dwelling conditions […]