susan pui san lok
One/Hundred, 2019. Ribbons and rope Unearthing ancient histories, susan pui san lok explores ideas of history, myth, collective witnessing and resistance. susan pui san lok explores the persecution of ‘witches’ and refuses to let them be forgotten. She commemorates the unnamed women accused of being ‘witches’ in East Anglia between 1560-1751 with a red ribbon […]

Freddie Robins
‘Cecil,’ 2014, ‘Alice,’ 2016 and ‘Griselda’ 2016. Wool, lace, stone and wood Freddie Robins uses knitting to explore contemporary issues of the domestic, gender and the human condition. Playfully subverting meaning and making, her work disrupts notions of knitting as passive and benign. Freddie doesn’t have to look far for her research, with nearby Wivenhoe bringing […]

Chiara Fumai
‘W.A.R.N.I.N.G.’ 2015. Photography and pen Chiara Fumai’s practice interrogates radical feminism, media culture and repression through performance and works that explore psychic abilities, anti-spectacle strategies and counterculture icons. She creates a portal to marginalised women, who despite gaining recognition through vociferous dissent have since been overlooked. Chiara belongs to a tradition of female psychics serving […]

Leonora Carrington
‘Major Arcana’ Tarot, c. 1955. Chromolithography reproduction. Leonora Carrington was a British-born surrealist painter who lived and worked in Mexico. Biblical stories, Irish fairy tales and Aztec culture alchemically blend to equip her with a unique way of approaching the world around her. Leonora Carrington also asks us to rethink our relationship with feminism through her personally […]

Alice Bucknell
‘The Martian Word for World is Mother’, 2021. Film Working primarily through game engines and speculative fiction, Alice Bucknell explores interconnections between ecology, magic and non-human and machine intelligence. Alice Bucknell uses the idiom of magic as a vehicle to engage with the legacy of colonialism, racial injustice and to empower the de-voiced. As she tells writer […]

Serena Korda
Jug Choir (5 from the series), 2016. Glazed ceramic Serena Korda’s practice spans sculpture, performance and installation – and has ‘world building’ at its core. She reviews historic and mythic narratives through a female lens, reworking them to create her own highly inventive mythologies. Her sculptures predominately adopt the notoriously unforgiving medium of clay, embracing […]

Akinsola Lawanson
Bosode, 2021. Film Akinsola Lawanson is a British-Nigerian artist working with moving image, video game engines and motorised sculptures. Their practice examines relational systems, colonialism, digital technologies and process philosophy. ‘Bosode’opens up new worlds which critique the legacy of colonialism by taking us on a journey into the Yoruba spirit world. Taking inspiration from Nollywood, […]

Juno Calypso
‘Seaweed Wrap’, 2015. Photograph ‘A Dream in Green’, 2015, Film Juno Calypso works with photography, film and installation, creating a female universe of solitude, desire and despair. Working alone, Calypso comments on the construction of femininity. Through her work, Juno creates a universe of solitude, desire and despair – all with an about-to-crack edge. In […]

Tai Shani
‘Astrolatrous Communes III’, 2022. Bas relief, MDF, Jesmonite, flock, paint ‘Unresurrectable Biologies – Un-undead 1 + 2,’ 2022. Epoxy, glass, 3D prints, mohair, sheepskin, electrics Tai Shani’s practice encompasses performance, film and installation. Taking inspiration from forgotten histories, she explores capitalism, patriarchy and feminism as she creates dark, fantastical worlds brimming with Utopian potential. In […]

I Put a Spell on You
An exhibition about new magic and mysticism. ‘I Put a Spell on You’ explores today’s growing affinity with magic, which coincides with a time when we’re experiencing a profound loss of faith in modern society. The rationalism, science and the ‘progress’ of the capitalist era have left us lurching from one crisis to the next, […]