Thierry Oussou: Impossible is Nothing
Thierry Oussou explores the legacy of colonialism and the construction of identity within a globalised context. Referring to his work as ‘social archaeology’, Oussou addresses issues of visibility, memory and authenticity, drawing on his Benin heritage to do so.
We showcase two bodies of work; ‘Impossible is Nothing’ which cleverly raises questions of cultural property and where collective memory resides through a performative archaeological excavation, while Oussou’s large scale drawings function as a repository for his own culture as he captures everyday references – often ubiquitous and barely noticeable – before they disappear.
Born in 1988, Allada in Benin, Thierry Oussou trained at the Rijksakademie and lives and works in Amsterdam, Netherlands. He has exhibited internationally, including Tiwani Contemporary in London (2018), Berlin Biennale X (2018) and is working towards his exhibition during the 21st Biennial Sesc_Videobrasil 2019 in Sao Paulo.