Compiled each year by UNITED for Intercultural Action, an anti-discrimination network of 550 organisations in 48 countries, The List traces information relating to the deaths of 34,361* refugees and migrants who have lost their lives within, or on the borders of Europe since 1993 because of state policies and their supporters.
Since 2007, Banu Cennetoğlu has facilitated the distribution of updated versions of The List using public spaces such as billboards, transport networks, public screen and newspapers, including its publication in The Guardian on 20 June 2018 for World Refugee Day, which we continue to circulate at Art Exchange and other public sites around the University of Essex.
Banu Cennetoğlu’s distribution of The List is made possible through the support of Liverpool Biennale, Chisenhale and The Guardian. It is available at Art Exchange in collaboration with the Centre for Migration Studies, University of Essex.
* documented as of 5 May 2018