
Daisy Blower

Daisy Blower

Nesting Dyke series, 2024

Daisy Blower is a queer artist making sex positive, feminist artworks. She creates miniature worlds that carve out a space in which she grapples with the complexity of a queer, feminist life, its intimacy and agency.

Here we find ‘nests’ which explore her desire for a place she can call her own – an elusive dream for many young people. Daisy Blower also reveals her sexual desires, writing on the wall next to a bed “lick your cave and warm thighs” and “It’ll be steamy in there”.

Recent exhibitions include Nesting Dyke, Parlour Gallery, London and Mori Mori, Margate (2024); Precarious, Art Exchange, Colchester (2023), Queer Art(ists) Now at Space Station Sixty-Five, London (2022) and Façade at the Holy Art Gallery, London (2022).

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