Future Exhibition


15.11.2024 - 01.02.2025

Art Exchange

admission free

An exhibition which takes inspiration from ‘glimmers’ – the complete opposite of ‘triggers’ – which are moments that spark joy.

We want to create a platform for artists who explore these transient moments that fleetingly enter our lives – and that we’re tempted to grab onto. Often sparked by something that returns us to familiar childhood memories, they reveal the inner worlds and safe spaces we return to. From You Tube dreamscapes of enchanted bedrooms, to utilising AI to recreate childhood memories, the works in this show reveal the complexities of our inner worlds and how glimmers of them interact with our everyday lives.

It is from these safe spaces that we can critique the world around us – such as questioning manifestations of femininity within the gaming world, interrogating black geographies and finding a home for queer desires.

Glimmer includes a new commission by artist Sian Fan and film, photography and sculptures by Daisy Blower, Maisie Cousins, Adama Bari Dercilia, Dion Kitson, Farah Al Qasimi and Urara Tsuchiya.

This exhibition was made possible by the kind support of the Arts Council of England. Additional support has been gratefully received from Alumni and friends of the University of Essex.

Urara Tsuchiya

Daisy Blower

Maisie Cousins

Adama Dercilia Bari

Sian Fan

Dion Kitson

Farah Al Qasimi